Monday, November 5, 2012

Trance induction in false memory syndrome

Alan Scheflin lawyer who has documentation of central control mind conducted experiments in the 1950's and 1960's. the "False Memory Syndrome Foundation"-t (FMSF was) "False Memory Spindrome needs", a false memory foundation story called sarcastically. claimed that the funded by the FMSF was created to intimidate him in dealing with psychology and professionals and mislead the public.
Scheflin healers informed about how to protect themselves from accusations that former patients against them, who meanwhile had retired child abuse related to their claims.
Evan Harrington, who was skeptical of these presentations, made an attempt to change the attitudes of participants in one direction trance. Criticized by the participants study did not know why Linda Meyer Williams, which shows that a significant number of adults in the minority is not sufficiently documented to visit the doctor when he was allegedly sexually abused a child to go to a doctor. This study shows that trance induction helped some people in this. However, if the violence increases, some of them allegedly reduced the possibility of recollection.

hypnotic false memory syndrome

Friday, November 2, 2012

Modern torture and mind control

The cyborg is a cybernetic organism, the mechanical structure, and organic hybrid organizations mixture. Some of the components of cyborg-coded data. Today, it is considered almost routine computerized tiny devices implanted into the body of an individual. If someone breaks into your computer and steal your personal files, or manipulate data, will commit an offense. But if someone enters the physical body, brain and central nervous system manipulated, is much more violent and reprehensible act of sin.
The modern mind control, torture Basics. The electromagnetic the case of technology being used, but the emphasis is that the impact of the target. Bullying people so different, because it depends on the motivation of the person in control of the technology used, but adjusted to the mind of an objective attitude as well. As one can hurt people, and the other indifferent. A professional harassed manuals required by the control function activation mind, but later applied to refine the methods for this purpose. When you know that what harms the target, then focus on that. Differ only professional users other to have the most advanced high technology, and they can hide under the protective wing of government with absolute confidence from. It is very different from mind control is the middle ages, that is described here.
The target is under constant surveillance. Both open and camouflaged harassed on the street, on the internet, and all other accessible location. The mockery, ridicule and teasing and harassment, almost every aspect of the case. The electronic version of almost all the high technology is applied. The victim is faced with slow target that everything is going wrong in her life falls apart. The controller operates the harassment continued observation to share information and controls how failures in the target value and then adjusts the actions that we believe: it is caused by the offender. This also makes the manager's mind control. The theme is deliberately isolated, deprived of their relationships is clear mind control.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Only this explains why

When in 1970 a part of the brain controlling the abuse came to light that the confidentiality and secrecy led to a further increase.
The American media institutions, and the government is actually behind the propaganda tools of the shadow government can be considered, especially if it comes to intelligence activities and intelligence. Only this explains why the press does not refer to people, and state-funded experiments radiation, although this congressional committee issued a prospectus.
Allen Barker, there is a (power base, or "not visible government" run by DJs) are well camouflaged center (phony center), which is the secret heart of the system from both the press and the government and its propaganda directing. From here, the Americans know that the United States, "nowhere in the violation of human rights", "everything works smoothly," so there is nothing to disturb the. This center is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. This center represents the current situation, the status quo, minus all that bad, disgusting, and which waves. This "fake center" fits into sin and the sin of persecution. This provides the system with some bad guys who can hunt, catch, to show how effective the system is. Committed by state authorities and the so-called white-collar crimes largely go unreported. In general, only the lower social class are informed of their crimes. The forensic reports can intimidate the population efficiently, and therefore more willing to obey authority and abandon freedom still remain. This is the center of all the "extreme" as classified and awe, which the ruling class holds power in the background. These intimidating, terrorizing steps secret like programs spread.